Update Log

Hrey, wassup!
I'm Skel n welcome to me website! I'm an artist who draws whatever comes to mind, and those tend to be anthros, stuff from experience, and sometimes cultural stuff. Whatever my mind manages to conjure up, I go with it. I love videogames, my top franchises of all time (and the only ones I've deeply dove into as of yet) are TF2, Sonic, and Yakuza. I like tech stuff, and probably consider myself a tech (not the crypto kind lol) and internet enthusiast. Computer Science and cybersecurity stuff is cool to learn and indulge myself in, though I'm by no means an expert lolol. One day I'll tinker in em to a deeper level, until then I'm just learning and having fun :3
Obviously, this is the sweet home of all things me. I started a rough draft of this website back in 2023 after attending an introductory Web Design course that really pushed my interest in Web Design and in turn tech overall. It looked actually pretty nice, but I didn't have a definitive sense of direction for what I wanted the website to look like and what its full-fleshed purpose was. I didn't have a full grasp to HTML and CSS yet either (I had little idea how to center and section things), so it was basically an experimental draft. But after starting this "draft" and quickly getting a better grasp of the languages from looking at other people's neocities websites and utilizing amazing resources out there, now I do, or at least I think I do! And since then this has been my passion project~! My home on the internet :3
So yeh, I hope you enjoy your stay and that you appreciate what I've got here and that you will stick around hehe. This site is updated frequently, so check back weekly or so or until I figure out what an RSS feed is and what it does to give you the best way to keep up with me and my website! Maybe a newsletter would work too? not sure yet, lol.

Featured spotlight!
A collection of cool stuff worth checking out!

To do:
- Add RSS feed?
- Add resources page
- Add OC/lore page
- Create ultimate character designer game!
- Add art people list
- Add more graphics
- Make site mobile-friendly
- Implement changeable site theme
- Index site
Make a web badge, add web badgesadd site web badges