
I'd like to dedicate this page to the wonderful world of the personal web, to the community of Neocities that I stumbled across a little while ago back in 2022-2023. If it weren't for me taking that Intro to Web Design course in my first semester of college, it probably would've been much longer before I would actually want to make my own personal website, even more so in pouring love into it and making it my home on the internet.
Although I believe I'm tech-savy enough to understand HTML and CSS, especially with already having had dabbled in programming languages even way before taking that Web Design course, I of course didn't make everything myself! And that's where I wanna say how much I sincerely love the vast amount of resources freely passed around by people here.
I've been on the internet for nearly all my life. I've never personally actively participated in the internet back when MySpace and other social media websites allowed nearly complete range of self-expression (since I was just a very little kid at the time lol), but I was still witness to this era of the internet as a whole to remember how websites looked like and worked. It was a lot more straightforward, janky, cluttered, kinda ugly a lot. But I remember the moment when site layouts began to change in the mid 2010s and always wondering to myself ever since: "why is everything so much more spaced out and concentrated??" It honestly felt like layouts were dumbing themselves in order to make what was already readable even more... spaced out and dumb. What was the need to go to a whole separate page just to change something as little as my name on my profile, for example. I still very much miss when web design was a lot more compact, and websites I see on Neocities definitely bring that back. Websites spacing themselves out and concentrating dedicated pages for little things is fuckin dumb design.
Anyways, I'd like to say thanks to the community of Neocities and people who have inspired and helped me in some way to make my own website.
People with no buttons: